Sunday, 16 June 2013

More Artillery

Been gradually plugging away recently adding in all the bits and bobs needed to put together a couple of French Corps. This is the latest addition a French battery, all Connoisseur with a few tweaks here and there to make the unit a bit more interesting.

Next up some French Skirmishers

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Command Stand and ADC

Latest additions to command the steadily growing French troops. A small vignette featuring a colonel from the 4th Hussars and an escort. Colonel, I think is a Willie figure, escort a Connoisseur guard chasseur. Horses are Foremost and Elite respectively.

And to carry the orders, a Connoisseur ADC and horse

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Legion du Midi

Been back to painting Napoleonics recently, and this is the latest completed unit. The Legion du Midi, from Piedmont in Italy.

All the figures are Connoisseur (apart form the Horse which is a Foremost). A few tweaks here and there just to give the unit a bit more variety and minor alterations to the uniforms (epaulets and carrot shaped pompom)

Friday, 11 January 2013

Sculpting again

Had a bit of a break from painting recently and over the holidays did a little bit more sculpting. I'd done those new heads a while back and also had some basic walking dollies which I'd drop cast ages ago. I've worked one of these up into a SYW period Hanoverian Infantryman (or an approximation thereof) Its a 30mm ish figure of similar size and dimension to a Willie one (which is the sort of style I was trying to go for). I'm reasonably happy with the way he's turned out, so might get him cast up and then work up some variants with different heads etc