Having done the FdM (actually, from memory, I did the foot figures first and then a few months later did the mounted figures and then finally the Grenadier), I then started thinking about what I might try next. At about that time, Graham and I started going up to see Charles from time to time for a weekend of gaming (often battles which later appeared in Charles's excellent "Refighting History" series). Great discussions, running well into the evening, were often had about potential future figures and directions for the range, generally lubricated with the odd fine beverage from Charles's cellar! (I only made a fool of myself once! 😀) Happy days and great memories.
As some of you may be aware, Charles father wrote a great book on the Battle of Fontenoy, within which features this image (Copyright Charles Grant):
I happened to notice this picture on display at Charles's and it served as inspiration for my next foray at more figures. I made an attempt to recreate (with mixed success) the two prominent figures in the image (the ensign and the Garde) plus a more generic standing Garde figure as a substitute for the chap hidden behind the flag. The result was these:
Again, it was a poor choice of figure to attempt, yet more fiddly lace and lots of fine detail. On balance I think the attempt to replicate the Garde on the right of the image was pretty decent, the others more moderate in success. At this point I didn't progress with any more Garde figures, although later I did and I'll show those in due course. Two interesting observations from a "makers" point of view, I've never seen these figures actually used in the configuration/pose they were actually designed for, most folk used them as multiple figures in wider units (you can't control what folk do with stuff once you let it out into wider circulation). Secondly no painted images, because, as of yet, I've never actually got round to painting any of the Garde figures I made, definitely still on the "to do" list. Next time, the start of the Savoia figures ....
Good times John and I have a unit of these still to paint 😳 I had to keep them even though I’ve sold the French! I never did manage to convince you to make a drum major for me.
Like Graham, I have a unit still in the "to do" pile, I will get round to them when I finally start my French army, they are lovely figures and hopefully my "dabbing" will do them justice.
Excellent design work, John. I like those French figures very much!
The figures we all buy, with great intentions, maybe one day they will see the brush ..... :)
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